Your Horizon is LimitlessBarbering
Our ProgramsCurriculum for Barbering Course (1,500 Clock Hours)
The curriculum for students enrolled in a Barbering course shall consist of fifteen hundred (1500) clock hours of technical instructions and practical operations covering all practices constituting the art of barbering pursuant to Section 7316 of the Barbering and Cosmetology Act. (D.O.T. #332.371-010, CIP#12.0402, SOC Code: 39.5012)
For the purpose of this section, technical instruction shall mean instruction by demonstration, lecture, classroom participation or examination and practical operation shall mean the actual performance by the student of a complete service on another person or on a mannequin.
The course of instruction in the practical phases of barbering required for a student enrolled in a 1,500 hour course shall cover not less than 1,300 hours including training in basic hair cutting and in hairstyling of all textures of hair at the discretion of the school owner/instructor.
1100 Hours of Technical Instruction and Practical Training in Hair Dressing
200 Hours of Technical Instruction and Practical Training in Shaving
200 Hours of Technical Instruction in Health and Safety
Course Description & Educational Goals: The barbering course is designed to prepare students for the state licensing examination and for profitable employment as a Barber (D.O.T. #332.371-010, CIP #12.0402).
Textbook: Milady Standard Textbook of Barbering
Barbering Performance Objectives: With the aid of the textbook, the student will study technical instruction and through testing, be able to meet satisfactory progress of 70%. On the clinic floor, the learner will demonstrate practical procedures according to the State Program specifications.
Course Format: Instruction is given in individual classrooms and on the clinic floor, under instructor supervision. New classes begin every week and students are assigned to classrooms according to the level of instruction of the course. Students receive instruction through demonstrations, lecture, informal handouts and classroom involvement. Occasionally, field trips may be scheduled and guest speakers are invited to reinforce the learning process.
Resources: Milady textbook for Barbers, class lectures, supplemental material handed out in classes, school library and demonstrations.
Learning Strategy: Students will read assigned chapters of textbook and other materials in school library, attend scheduled theory classes, lectures, and demonstrations, prepare written procedures on practical operations, perform practical operations on another person and/or mannequin.
Additional training will be given in the following subject matters: The student will learn additional information pertaining to professional ethics and personal hygiene to meet the employment standards of the industry. Professional Ethics, Hygiene and Grooming, Salesmanship, Record Keeping, Sanitation Duties, Desk and Lab Assignments, Salon Management and Ethics, Resume Development, Job Search, Job Interview
Grading Procedure
Student’s academic performance is graded four times throughout the program, at the scheduled completion of: 450, 900, 1,200, and 1,500 clock hours. At each grading period, an average grade, in the scale of 0 to 100, will be calculated with the following weights:
1. Theory exam scores count 40% toward the grade
2. Practical Operations scores count 40% toward the grade
3. Professionalism count 20% toward the grade
In addition, a student must successfully complete the minimum percentage of work at a scheduled evaluation times outlined below, allowing completion of the program within the established time frames not exceeding the 150% time frame.
Graduation Requirements: When a student has completed the required theory hours and practical operations in Barbering with a GPA of “C” (70%) or better including a final exam, he or she is awarded a diploma certifying his or her graduation.
Students are assisted in completing the necessary documents to file for the appropriate Barbering and Cosmetology Examination.
There is no requirement for internships or externships.
Licensing Requirements: Applicant must be 17 years of age or older and have completed the 10th Grade, 1500 hours in an approved School and passing of a California State or National Interstate Council (NIC) Written and Practical examinations with a minimum score of 75 (out of 100).